Welcome to the survey!

This year the University is looking into trialling women’s only gym hours at the University gym and / or women’s only fitness classes at RHUL sports facilities. If you could take a few minutes to answer this short survey and indicate whether you are interested in this initiative, your feedback will help create impactful change at Royal Holloway for current and prospective students. It’s important that you indicate in the survey when you would like these gym hours / fitness classes to take place, and when you would NOT like these gym hours / fitness class sessions to take place.

We just need to take a little bit of information about you to help us analyse the results. Everything you tell us will remain confidential and no data that could identify you will be shared with any third parties. Your student number is only required so that we can validate you are a student. To find out more about how we use your data in relation to surveys head over to su.rhul.ac.uk/privacy.

Question Title

* 1. What is your student number?

Question Title

* 2. What is your gender?